Sunday, July 4, 2010

Online Business Marketing Today

Online Business Marketing - Reasons People Shop Online

Author : Karen Wehlre

Learning how and why people shop online helps you improve your online business marketing. Here's how you can offer maximum satisfaction for your customers.

Why People Shop Online

1. Quick, easy shopping on their time.

No need to rush home from work, bolt dinner, drop kids at Grandma's, then zip to the store before it closes. No need to watch out for traffic morons, road construction or weather situations.

2. Ease of comparison shopping.

A few mouse clicks reveal which model bread machine best suits her needs, what it costs and who has the best price. She might even find a coupon code.

3. Can find obscure items.

Not everyone wants an easy-clean-up black juicer with a retro look and whisper mode (is there such a thing, really?) but if ANYONE has it, it can be found online. In a physical store near her? Not likely. Your info-product? Only online.

Drawbacks in Shopping Online

1. Can't see the item in person. 
2. Can she trust the seller? 
3. Beware shipping costs. 
4. Check return policy.

Tips for Better Online Business Marketing

The good news is your online business stays open 24/7, rain or snow and parents can shop in a few moments during the day or after the kids are in bed.

Make it your business to know what your competitors sell, their prices, shipping and how you stack up against them. If you can't offer the lowest price, make sure you have free shipping, or provide such an extra-quality products or service that your ideal customers discover you have just what they need or want, with no drawbacks.

If you sell obscure items, make sure your keywords lead your unique-needs customers to your business.

Overcome All Drawbacks

Provide excellent photos and detailed sensory descriptions of your products or services, so your customer can almost experience it.

Banners that certify you as a trustworthy business, testimonials from satisfied customers, super-secure bank or credit card transaction processing and your money-back guarantee can all soothe worried souls.

Be up front about your shipping. If you offer physical products and free works for you, it's a great draw. Make a user-friendly return policy where you can. Offer an 800 number or email in case of trouble.

Point out the ease of shopping with you at any time of day or night, spell out how it's an instant download or how quickly you ship, and remind them how your product stands out from the rest.

Your online business marketing attracts your ideal customers, gives them what they want and makes them feel welcomed and cared for.

Remember, you run an online business for greater income and fun. Click for tips on building business relationships so your customers stick like Velcro.


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