Saturday, January 30, 2010

Indonesian Banking Architecture

Indonesian Banking Architecture (API) is a basic framework of Indonesia's banking system is comprehensive and provides direction, shape, and structure of the banking industry for the period of five served until the next decade. the banking industry development policy in the future defined in the API system is based on achieving the vision of a healthy banking system, strong and efficient to create a stable financial systems in order to help drive national economic growth.

foothold of the need for a national banking blue print and as a continuation of the banking restructuring program has been running since 1998, the Bank of Indonesia on the 9th January 2004 has launched the API as an overall framework of development policy toward Indonesia banking industry forward. the launch of the API can not be separated from the efforts of government and Bank Indonesia through the publication of the government white paper in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 5 The main programs in the white book.

starts from the fundamental desire to have a stronger banking system and by observing the inputs obtained in implementing the API during the last two years, Bank Indonesia was necessary to improve the programs of activities listed in the API. improvements can not be separated from the national and international economy.

Completion of the API programs include strategies include more specific about the development of Islamic banking, BPR, and SMEs to the front, so the API is expected to have an activity program a more complete and comprehensive, covering the banking system as a whole related to commercial banks and BPR , both conventional and sharia, and the development of MSMEs.


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